The Britain Palestine Friendship and Twinning Network

الشبكة البريطانية الفلسطينية للصداقة والتوأمة

Welcome to The Britain Palestine Friendship and Twinning Network website. We are a membership body bringing together autonomous groups who share a common aim: to develop links with Palestinian partners to increase mutual understanding, solidarity and cooperation. The network was established in 2005 and promotes twinning and friendship between a range of different British and Palestinian communities and groups. 

We believe that by deepening friendship, understanding and connections between the people of the UK and Palestine through friendship and twinning links, we can change hearts and minds and raise awareness of the ongoing injustice experienced by the Palestinian people. 

We have a broad understanding of what friendship and twinning mean- we have member groups who are officially twinned but many others that are informally linked through friendship and other connections- we warmly welcome any group that shares our aims. You don’t have to have a direct link with a specific place- believing and acting in friendship with Palestine and its people is what matters. You can read all about what we do, how to set up a group, browse our resources, and find out more about Palestine. You can also use this site to find out about our existing groups, read more about the benefits of twinning and friendship, and get in touch with us. If you want to promote the network and friendship and twinning this is always good news to us - you can use our flyer and leaflet.

Individual membership

It is now possible to become an individual member of BPFTN to help support and grow the important work of friendship and twinning. You can find out more about the benefits of joining here, and apply for membership here. If you have any questions about joining as an individual, please do get in touch with us.

> Download our Spring 2025 newsletter

2025 Annual Conference - Save the date.

The Britain Palestine Friendship & Twinning Network Annual Conference is taking place in Birmingham on Saturday 10th May 2025, from 10am-4pm.

Our programme will include:

  • Ahmed Alnaouq - writer, journalist and founder of We Are Not Numbers

  • Mazim Qumsiyeh - Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director, Palestine Museum of Natural History, Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University

  • Workshops addressing practical issues groups are dealing with - visas, transferring funds, speaking out

  • A chance to hear from new groups and those with links in Gaza 

Free to BPFTN members. To register please email 

Friendship, twinning and Covid-19

As the world emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic, our groups conitnue to work in friendship together. Solidarity is more important than ever. Palestinians already experience huge restrictions on their freedom and Covid-19 exacerbated this. In a pandemic and afterwards, friendship and twinning can’t stop. BPFTN has a new resource full of ways to keep friendship and hope alive if you’re not quite ready to get back to visits, and groups across the country are now doing lots of new and different things to keep friendship and hope alive remotely. Virtual and online meet ups are ongoing, connecting friends in Palestine and Britain, regardless of the restrictions caused by Covid-19, and the Occupation. Check out our resources and our Palestine page for things you can do to show your support and let us know what you’ve been up to to keep your friendships and connections with Palestine going at this time.

Children at the beach in Gaza, Palestine

“Twinning and friendship is a way of bringing the voices of Palestinians, to allow them to speak directly in their own words. It is an act of friendship and solidarity.”

—Liverpool Friends of Bil’in

“Friendship and twinning is one of the most practical forms of solidarity. It transforms solidarity into friendship and transcends beyond verbal support, reaching out for the other community with a sense of shared destiny”

-Ambassador Dr. Husam Zomlot, Head of Palestinian Mission to the UK

Read more about the benefits of friendship and twinning, and feel free to get in touch!

Photo: two girls play by the beach in Khan Younis, Gaza. The whole of Gaza remains under military blockade, and has done since 2007. In the West Bank, most people can’t leave to reach the sea, a matter of miles away.